Heraldic Animals
Tabatt creates multiple variations and artistically implements the theme of the big city. As a strong symbol for the city of Berlin, the bear is known worldwide and is inseparably linked to it.
When you think of Berlin, you also think of the bear. In Tabatt’s case, however, he is not the well-known upright standing rigid heraldic animal, but rather finds himself in unusual situations in the middle of the big city. The bear always masters these with a little wink and Berlin-typical calmness.
In familiar places, the bear has to deal with new discoveries as well as everyday life and thus also represents the visitors and inhabitants of the city. Internationally renowned sights and places of interest such as the Reichstag, Red City Hall, Berlin Cathedral and Alexanderplatz serve as venues.
With a critical eye, Tabatt implements the theme in a variety of ways, trenchantly down to the smallest detail.
In his works he also frees the eagle of the Mark Brandenburg from its escutcheon. Having become fully fledged, no longer a nest-stool at all and the latter may then show what power lies within him. For all the visual acuity and flying ability of the red eagle, the limits of animal endeavour are also transposed into ironic contemplation in the paintings. Thus the neighbourly relations between Brandenburg and Berlin are captured in various works.
4. January 2022